Pediatric Urology & Reconstruction

Some of the most common problems for pediatric urology are Bladder control such as bedwetting and bladder control problems; undescended testes; Hypospadias, Epispadias, bladder and kidney stones, chordee and other malformation of the penis; Phimosis; Neurogenic bladder; Antenatal hydronephrosis

Children and of course babies, are unable to communicate and convey accurate information in regards to their symptoms. Therefore, the majority of the information leading to a diagnosis for pediatric urogenital disorders depends in a large part on a sound understanding of the embryology and development of the human urogenital system. This is important because the urogenital system is affected by a large number of congenital anomalies representing missteps on the road to it’s development. There are also a large number of acquired disorders in pediatric urology. A meticulous child friendly examination and non hurtful and non anxiety producing laboratory and imaging studies,if necessary, may be undertaken as an outpatient with little risk or discomfort to reach a diagnosis and treatment plans with options.

Common pediatric urology conditions include:

Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections: Children who suffer from recurrent UTIs need further evaluation to determine and treat the underlying cause of the condition.

Vesicoureteral Reflux: A condition caused when urine passes back up the ureter instead of passing out of the body. When left untreated this can cause further problems, such as pyelonephritis and renal scarring.

Bed Wetting: Bed-wetting can have an underlying cause, or it can simply require reassurance and motivational therapy. A urologist can help a child overcome these problems after determining the cause.

Overactive Bladder: Children who have an abnormally frequent need to urinate or seem to have urge incontinence can get relief from their symptoms with the help of a pediatric urologist.

Asymptomatic Microscopic Hematuria: Blood in the urine can have a serious underlying cause and requires the attention of a qualified health professional.

Hydroceles and Hernias: Masses in the scrotum need to be monitored or treated by a pediatric urologist. Some can be fixed, while others need to be monitored to see if they will resolve without treatment.

Other conditions a Dr Vaibhav Saxena may treat include posthitis, balanitis, and varicocele in adolescents. Besides treating conditions such as these, pediatric urologists can also assist with catheter insertion or removal and perform circumcisions.